关系表类型,这是一个很强大的类型。我们可以把这个类型看作是一个数组。只是 C语言的数组,只能用正整数来作索引; 在Lua中,你可以用任意类型的 值来作数组的索引 ,但这个值不能是 nil。同样,在 中,数组的内容只允许一种类型;在 Lua中,你也可以用任意类型的值来作数组的内容,nil也可以。
Sorts table elements in a given order, in-place, from
Given an array where all elements are strings or numbers, returns
注意三点: 第一,所有元素之间,总是用逗号 "," 隔开; 第二,所有索引值都需要用 "["和"]" 括起来;如果是字符串,还可以去掉引号和中括号; 即如果没有[]括起,则认为是字符串索引 第三,如果不写索引,则索引就会被认为是数字,并按顺序自动从 1往后编;
tt = { "hello" ,33 }
value = 4
tab = {[tt ] = "table" ,key = value , ["flag" ] = nil , 11 }
print (tab [tt ])
print (tab.key )
print (tab [1 ])
look = {[www] = "ok"}这样是不对的,www没有赋值,所以默认为nil因此出错table index is nil
temp = 1
tab = {[temp] = 1, 11}
print(tab[temp]) --此时的结果是11,因为11没有显式对应的key,因此从1开始,如果前面定义了,则覆盖其value
temp = 2
tab = {[temp] = 1, 11}
temp = 1
print(tab[temp]) -- 结果是11,虽然定义时[temp] = 1,但是后来我们改变了temp的值,所以指向另外的key了
1.对于字符串,在{}定义时,可以key = value, 也可以["flag"] = nil,索引都是string类型,对于非nil类型 变量(包括字符串),都可以[variable]=value的方式
2.使用table时,对于字符串,可以通过.的方式访问,也可以通过[]方式访问。tab[a],tab[b], 只要a==b那么tab[a]可以访问到tab[b]的值
3.不管定义索引时用的是常量还是变量,最终table中value的 索引key是常量,不会随变量的改变而变化该value的key
tb11 = { tb12 = { bool = true }} -- simple, it's a table IN a table :)
-- Call magic!
print (tb11.tb12.bool ) -- works fine, since it's calling the key and value correctly.
print (tab11 ["tb12" ].bool ) --same as line 33
print (tab11.tb12 ["bool" ]) --same as line 33
print (tab11 ["tb12" ]["bool" ]) --same as line 33
--Altering a table's content. Basically manipulating the values of the keys.
lucky = { john ="chips" ,jane ="lemonade" ,jolene ="egg salad" }
lucky.jolene = "fruit salad" --changed the value to "fruit salad" instead of "egg salad"
lucky.jerry = "fagaso food" -- adding a new key-value pair to the container lucky.
lucky.john = nil -- remove john from giving anything or from being a key.
a = {}; b = a ;
print (a == b ) --> true
c ,d = {},{};
print (c == d ) -->false
1. table.sort (table [, comp])
Sorts table elements in a given order, in-place, from table[1]
to table[n]
, where n
is the length of the table. If comp
is given, then it must be a function that receives two table elements, and returns true when the first is less than the second (so that not comp(a[i+1],a[i])
will be true after the sort). If comp
is not given, then the standard Lua operator <
is used instead. The sort algorithm is not stable; that is, elements considered equal by the given order may have their relative positions changed by the sort.
name = { "you" ,"me" , "him" ,"bill" }
--table.sort - only works with arrays!
table.sort (name )
for k , v in ipairs ( name ) do
print ( k ,v )
--table.sort uses callbacks. a function that is writtent to be called by a library function.
function cmp ( a , b )
if string.sub (a ,2 ,2 ) < string.sub (b ,2 ,2 ) then
return true
return false
table.sort (name , cmp )
for k , v in ipairs ( name ) do
print ( k ,v )
2. table.insert (table, [pos,] value)
Inserts element
at position pos
in table
, shifting up other elements to open space, if necessary. The default value for pos
is n+1
, where n
is the length of the table so that a call table.insert(t,x)
inserts x
at the end of table t
. --table.insert --an easy to copy a table to another table or adding elements to an array.!
foo = { "a" ,"c" , "d" }
bar = {}
function printt ( table )
for i =1 ,# table do
print (i , table [i ])
print ("before insert:" )
printt (foo )
table.insert (foo ,2 ,"b" )
print ("after insert" )
printt (foo )
3. table.concat (table [, sep [, i [, j]]])
table[i]..sep..table[i+1] ··· sep..table[j]
. The default value for sep
is the empty string, the default for i
is 1, and the default for j
is the length of the table. If i
is greater than j
, returns the empty string. --table.concat does what it implies. Takes an array and concates to one string.
num = { 1 ,2 , 3 ,4 ,5 ,6 }
print ( table.concat (num ,"<" ))
4. table.remove (table [, pos])
Removes from table
the element at position pos
, shifting down other elements to close the space, if necessary. Returns the value of the removed element. The default value for pos
is n
, where n
is the length of the table, so that a call table.remove(t)
removes the last element of table t
abc = { "a" ,"b", "c"}
print ( table.remove (abc ,2 ))
print ("abc length = " .. #abc )
5. table.maxn (table)
Returns the largest positive numerical index of the given table, or zero if the table has no positive numerical indices. (To do its job this function does a linear traversal of the whole table.)
apple = { "a" ,"p",[ 5]="e"}
print (table.maxn (apple )) -- 5
duck = {[-2 ]=3 ,[- 1 ]=0 }
print (table.maxn (duck )) -- 0
--note for a object to work, it needs a closure(inner function with an upvalue(a local value from a higher scope))--note: the more closures made, the slower the program would run.
function mg1( n)
local function get ()
return n ;
local function inc (m )
n = n +m ;
return { get = get , inc = inc }
object = mg1 (50 )
print (object.get ())
print (object ["get" ]())
object.inc (2 )
print (object.get ())
local function get (o )
return o.one
local function inc (self , two )
self.one = self.one + two
function mg3 (one )
return { one = one , get = get , inc = inc }
a = mg3 (50 )
a :get ()
a.inc (a ,2 )
print (a :get ())
local T = {};
function T :get ()
return self.n ;
function T :inc (m )
self.n = self.n + m ;
function mg4 ( n )
return { n = n , get =T.get , inc =T.inc }
c = mg4 (30 )
print (c :get ())
c :inc (4 )
print (c :get ())